Monday 28 July 2014

5 Easy tricks to get Healthier

Health should be an important part of your life. Without health you have nothing. Health gives you the ability to live, to laugh to go for walks and to share memories. If health is something you take for granted, then don't. You don't know how important health is before it's gone.

Here are a few easy steps that I implemented in my life to get healthier.

1) Eat your fruits. Fruits offer ton of energy. It helps us stay healthy, it keeps our weight in check and it makes our immune system better.

Tips : I eat my fruits in the morning. It is a great way to start the day and it's like having a treat in the morning!
I usually eat banana ice cream or a fruit bowl. I go for oranges, strawberries, banana and apples.

2) Drink water. Staying hydrated is important. Our body consist of 50-75% water so it is important to refill to maintain the balance of body fluids. I notice that when I drink more water my skin looks clearer and I have more energy. I also tent to get headaches if I don't drink enough water.

Tips : I like to bring a water bottle to work. I refill it twice, so by the time my work day is over I would have consumed 1 liter.

yummy cucumber and mint water :)

3) Eat a bowl of salad or veggies everyday.

Tips : I eat my salad before dinner.. Eventually eating a salad before dinner will become a habit and you might find that you enjoy it!

4) Move. Move your body. I try to do something active everyday. I go for walks when I don't feel like working out. I like the fresh air. It gives my mind a break and relaxes me if I am stressed.
I also like going to the gym 2-3 times a week, or doing my own routine at home or YouTube videos.

Tips :  I give myself a goal each week. A goal can be "working out 3 times this week".

Playing tennis in the Summer

Some workouts I like from YouTube :

BUTI Fun yoga inspired workout

 Quick Pilates workout

 Bikini Body - Only 30 min but pretty intense

5) Be positive! Being positive will help your mood and your life.
Being happy for what you have will make you a happier person which in turn will make you healthy.

Tips : I like writing down 5 things a day that I am happy about or that I appreciate. It has helped me become a happy person.

"I am so happy that my parents love me, and want the best for me".

"I am so happy I went for a walk today, because it made me relax and it made me feel more awake."

If you think about your day and your life, you will find that you do have a lot of things to be happy about. It can be people, food or hobbies that make you happy.

I hope you find this helpful?
What are your health tips ? Feel free to share recipes and advice.

Have a good week!

- Vanillamilla

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